About us

It seemed a crazy idea. Renovating a home that others would call “a ruin”. Yet, when we saw a nearly destroyed farm house on a rainy February afternoon in 2007 in the Hungarian village of Szakadat, we smiled. We soon discovered its rich history. Farmotel Stefania was once the home of ethnic German brick producers family.

Build in 1907, their farm house reflected the entrepreneurial spirit of Hungary’s ethnic Germans, or ‘Schwabs’, living here during the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After World War I and Empire’s demise, Schwabs stayed in Szakadat. But after World War II, many were expelled and persecuted by the Communist regime.

Following the collapse of Communism in 1989, Schwab villages began to re-emerge. And, a 90 minutes drive away from Budapest, we wanted to create Hungary’s first real Farmotel honoring Schwab traditions.


A comfortable farmotel with all the 21st century facilities of a 4 star hotel, for professionals and others who want to see Hungary as it once was.

Unlike most Hungarian hotels, the Farmotel Stefania has huge space for those who value privacy and rest. Spacious rooms with own bathrooms and balconies guarantee comfortable stay. Two wine cellars are filled with Hungarian regional wines and available for reasonable prices.

Relax in the sauna or on the terraces viewing the Farmotel’s private pond. There is also a separate romantic Forest House by the fish pond. With open fireplace, with balcony and a view on the village and its beautiful church. Those who want to lose some calories can climb the Farmotel’s hill towards the private forest.  Secured parking place.  Additionally there is a playground for children.

Farmotel Stefania is located in a wine and hunting area 40 minutes drive from the Balaton Lake. Yet, this is a place for those who seek rest and privacy in comfort and space. For reflection and inspiration.

Feel Inspired. Fall in Love. Farmotel Stefania 

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