Class: “Slow Food – Monastery Hops Bread”
Duration 4,0 hours
Minimum: 4 people
Price: 55 euro/person (including dinner)
Dates: from April 15 till October 15 each year
Time: from 17.00 till 21.00
CHILDREN: welcome (1 child up to 6 years old/adult FREE)
Language: English, Hungarian, Russian, Dutch, German
The program is available only for guests, who booked the room in Farmotel Stefania

Description: Probably I am a gastronome, gourmand, gourmet or a connoisseur of food. Call it as you want. But the fact is that I love good food. And ready to spent time in the kitchen to make it: slowly with joy and pleasure. Come and we do it together.
I shall share a knowledge which I learned in the MONASTERY in faraway country. How to make rare and delicious breads from the hop. Yes, yes, the hop which grows in the garden and widely used for brewing beer. Do you still want to know more about me? Let me tell: I am a journalist, dreaming to write a cook book.
I am waiting for you in a boutique museum-like hotel. Here in my kitchen with big oven, which was built by craftsmen in best Hungarian custom, we make hops bread. You will learn all steps of doing it. If the time is good, we get some hops from my garden.
In the mean time I tell you what is so special with hop, why bread from hop has value and why it was welcomed on long journeys. Exactly as fairy tales says: “Son took a half bread in a canvas bag and left his father’s home forever …” You will also learn about Hungarian Hops village.
And of course, we shall eat freshly baked hops breads with sausages and speck, homemade butter and other goodies from my stocks. Next to it all alcohol and non-alcohol drinks will be available. This dinner you will reveal THE WORLD’S BEST KEPT SECRET: how to make hops bread. Experience slow food: its not just a meal, but way of living.
FARMOTEL STEFANIA is a member of SLOW FOOD organization. We offer our guests indigenous homemade food prepared old fashioned way, slowly and tasty, from natural products. Guests can experience old slow cooking recipes, which are forgotten and which we are reviving. We are against industrially processed, fast food and would like to show that slow food is affordable for everybody, including busy people in the cities.

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